“there are plenty of automated stablecoin designs that are fundamentally flawed and doomed to collapse eventually, and plenty more that can survive theoretically but are highly risky, there are also many stablecoins that are highly robust in theory, and have survived extreme tests of crypto market conditions in practice.”
– Vitalik on stablecoins.
Nick Clegg on the metaverse.
HSBC's Stuart Kirk says not worry about climate risk. [YouTube]
The Chinese power law.
“This is, after all, how all the energy stored in wood, coal, oil, and natural gas originally got here: It was transmitted 150 million kilometers through space as electromagnetic waves—sunlight—most of it millions of years ago.”
– On power beaming.
Bank of England blog investigates how indebted SMEs performed after crises.
Wendover on the new economics of theme parks. [YouTube]
2 Minute Papers on Nvidia’s new ML technique to digitise real world objects.[YouTube]
‘The day I became friends with a robot’, an illustrated story by GPT-3 and DALL-E2.